Dingfan's blog

Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY Last updated November 22, 2023 This privacy notice for Bedman (“we,” “us,” or “our”), describes how and why we might collect, store, use, and/or share (“process”) your information ...

Project 10000

What is this? A project that will cost 10000 hours to master a course, whatever topic it is about. How to achieve it? To achieve this goal, there is a list of items needed to be prepared before im...

Intermediate Python

As all known, there are two versions of Python, Python 2 and Python 3. One suggestion: learn python 3. From Python 2 sunset announcement, it states that 2020/01/01 will be the day to suns...

Let's Go

regex introduction This is not quite related to Python, but I would like to include this part in this tutorial as well. Some normal characters: Some special characters Since there is not

Git Cheatsheet

首篇blog献给我最最最喜欢的小梁! 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 Since this blog does not go through sufficient polishing period, there might be some mistakes or some outdated content, feel free to contact me for any bug y...

🆕Hello World

写在十月的最后一天 希望自己可以坚持这个习惯 毕竟是进步(加薪)的不充分不必要条件(笑) 然而还是要认真一点的 毕竟自己是微博194粉的大V 下一篇blog,tech博主正式起航! 2019.10.31

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